
Canton & Lewistown have launched an online Community Needs Assessment with the Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development and IHDA. It’s confidential and your feedback will help pave the way forward for our housing & community development projects.

The cities of Canton and Lewistown, in collaboration with the Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development (SRPED) and the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA), have launched an online Community Needs Assessment survey to gather local feedback on housing and community development needs.

This survey is a critical first step in the Community Revitalization Strategy process, designed to empower residents and ensure that future planning and investment align with community priorities. The survey is completely anonymous, does not collect identifying information, and takes less than 10 minutes to complete

The survey will focus on identifying housing needs and opportunities for growth, helping communities take actionable steps toward achieving their development goals. Data collected from the survey will serve as a foundation for future planning and investment by SRPED, IHDA, and local leaders.

Residents of Canton, Lewistown, and surrounding areas are encouraged to participate and share their perspectives. The survey is available online at CantonIllinois.org, SRPED Social Media pages, and a quick link QR code. The survey will remain open for a couple months so that IHDA can collect a minimum amount of 5% of the communities’ population in feedback.

Your voice matters, and your feedback will make a difference in paving the way forward for housing and community development projects in our region.

For more information about the survey or how you can get involved in helping the Community Revitalization process, please contact Michelle Spiva at mspiva@cantonillinois.org or 309-647-2677 Ext 4.

Together, we can build stronger communities and a brighter future!