Commercial Development
Permits are required and City of Canton Codes complied with by any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy or use of a building or structure or to erect install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system.
The City of Canton allows commercial developers and contractors to meet simultaneously with City staff. Input is given regarding zoning, utilities, fire safety and building code requirements. Meetings take place on an as need basis and have greatly reduced the time and effort needed to bring a development from conceptual stage to implementation. Call the Planning & Zoning department to make an appointment.
New Commercial Construction: Owner/Authorized agents are required to submit 3 sets of construction documents prepared by a registered design professional along with their permit application, checklist, and permit fee to the Planning & Zoning Department. Allow 3 to 4 weeks for the processing of the permit. Forms and applications are below.
The State of Illinois Statute, (225 ILCS 305/) Illinois Architecture Practice Act requires the involvement of a registered design professional for all new commercial construction projects, and for interior alterations which result in life safety or structural changes to the building.
Remodel/Alteration of Existing Commercial Building: Contact the Planning & Zoning Department with the scope of work for the remodel/alteration project to see if a permit, construction documents prepared by a registered design professional are inspections are required.
All new businesses are inspected by the Building Inspector and Fire Prevention Code Inspector prior to opening. Building inspections completed by the City are to ensure that the building meets applicable building codes. City building inspections are not the same as private inspections conducted as part of a real estate transaction. Note that the City encourages individuals to do their due diligence and have a private inspection conducted prior to purchasing or leasing an existing commercial building.
Any project not properly zoned or that will require a Special Use Permit or a variance will need assistance from City staff in the process. Visit the Joint Planning and Zoning Commission page for more information.
Helpful links and forms: