Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
The Illinois Freedom of Information Act is a law intended to open the government to all citizens by guaranteeing access to governmental records in whatever form they are maintained. Like any law of this nature, this act strikes a balance between access and privacy interests.
In Canton, Carol Kohler now serves as the general FOIA officer and Edward Glad serves as the Police Department FOIA officer, and it is to those offices requests are made. A person can request public records either in person or in writing. The appeal procedure set out in the Act and the time limits placed on public bodies for responding to requests for records, however, are keyed to written requests. It is recommended when a request is made in person, the requesting person is asked to make that request in writing. This will facilitate the search for records and will avoid problems if the request is denied. Every public body is required to permit inspection or, upon submission of a written request, to provide copies of any requested records that are subject to disclosure under the act. When copies are requested, the public body may charge fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for the actual cost of reproducing any certifying public records.
Submitting Information
Please submit FOIA requests to:
City of Canton Mayor’s Office
2 North Main Street
Canton IL 61520
For questions regarding FOIA forms, please call the Mayor’s Office at 309-647-0065.