
Planning & Zoning Department

The Planning and Zoning department is located on the second floor of the City Hall building. Commercial and Residential Development as well as other types of zoning information and forms are provided here and are also available for pick up in the Planning & Zoning Office.

Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm

Director of Commercial Planning & Zoning:
Jon McQuilkin

Director of Residential Planning & Zoning:
Drake Wilson

Admin. Operations Coordinator:
Nancy Mackey
(309) 647-5022

Click HERE to See a Map Your Property Zoning Classification By Address

Commercial Development

Permits are required and City of Canton Codes complied with by any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy or use of a building or structure or to erect install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system.

More information and forms are available on the Commercial Development page.

Residential Development

Permits are required and City of Canton Codes complied with by any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure or construct a fence, swimming pool (capable of containing 24″ of water or more) or retaining wall over 4′ in height. Call Planning & Zoning department prior to beginning any work to see if a permit is required.

More information and forms are available on the Residential Development page.


Permits are required for the removal, in whole or in part, of any structure or building with the removal of demolition debris, or the installation of fill material and final grading in connection with such removal. Contact the Planning & Zoning department for any questions.

Roofing Contractors Requirements

Roofing Contractors performing any roofing work, for profit, in the City of Canton are required to be licensed by the City.  

The City has adopted, requires compliance with, and enforces, at a minimum the 2003 International Residential Code (IRC). The 2003 IRC includes a requirement for “Ice protection” under section R905.2.7.1. This “Ice protection”, often called “Ice and Water Shield” must be applied per this code and in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions before applying shingles.  Planning & Zoning department for any questions.

TIF and Enterprise Zones

Tax Increment Financing
Illinois law allows units of local governments to designate areas within their jurisdiction as TIF districts. These districts dedicate sales tax revenues and additional property tax revenues generated within the TIF, for improvements within the district to encourage new economic development and job creation.

Enterprise Zones
The Illinois Enterprise Zone Program is designed to stimulate economic growth and neighborhood revitalization in economically depressed areas of the state through state and local tax incentives, regulatory relief and improved governmental services.  Businesses located or expanding in an Illinois enterprise zones may be eligible for the state and local tax incentives.

Contact the Executive Director for the Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development at (309) 647-2677 for any questions.

Zoning Codes

Zoning Codes for the City of Canton are accessible via the Zoning Codes page. This page list links for Zoning Classification Information, Commercial District codes, Residential District codes, Industrial District codes and Conservation & Agricultural District codes. Off Street Park & Loading Requirements, Sign Provisions, Fence Provisions, and Swimming Pool requirements are available via the Zoning Codes page.

Zoning Map

The below Zoning Map shows the various zoning areas in the City of Canton.

Joint Planning & Zoning Commission

When the rezoning of property is necessary, a Special Use Permit is needed for Home Occupation, and a Special Use Permit is needed; petitioners will need to appear before the Joins Planning & Zoning Commission. Visit the Joint Planning & Zoning Commission page for instructions and necessary forms. Please contact the Joint Planning & Zoning Office prior to preparing paperwork.

Highway Authority Agreements

Many properties located within the City of Canton have histories as gas stations or other uses that may have resulted in soil contamination.  The tanks have been removed from the majority of these sites, but there may still be contaminates in the soil on the property or adjacent land.  A letter of No Further Remediation (NFR) from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) acknowledges that a site owner or operator has satisfied the IEPA’s regulations regarding this contaminated soil and that no further action is required in order to be in compliance.  Development or sale of a property with a history of contaminated soil is difficult without an NFR.  The IEPA does not require that all contaminated soil be removed, but it does require an institutional control so that no person is exposed to contaminated soil that extends onto the public Right-of-Way in the form of a Highway Authority Agreement (HAA).  

This agreement requires the highway authority (in this case the City of Canton) to limit access by all parties that may excavate soil within the defined contaminated zone.  The City’s general excavations ordinance exempts recognized utility companies from obtaining an excavation permit to dig in the Right-of-Way, except when proposing to work in a contaminated soil area where the City has signed a HAA.  The permittee is required to take necessary precautions to protect human health (including worker safety) and the environment during and after any work within a designated contaminated soil zone. 

The following link can be used view contaminated soil zones with Highway Authority Agreements in Place: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/aa34b0efcd8844e99a7a8d62ab94f99f