City of Canton
Welcome to the City of Canton! We strive to provide up-to-date information on City Services and programs which enhance the quality of life for our citizens.
Elected Officials
The City of Canton operates under a mayor-aldermanic form of government, with a Mayor as the chief executive officer and eight aldermen, representing four wards, serving as the City Council. The Mayor and aldermen all serve four-year terms; half of the city council members are up for elections every two years.
Kent A. McDowell
(309) 647-0065
City Clerk
Andi Walters
(309) 647-0020
City Treasurer
Crystal Wilkinson
(309) 647-6691
Form of Government
The City Council makes up the policy that directs the City government to meet the wants and needs of its residents. It has the responsibility for setting all municipal policies not designated by City charter or state legislation such as adopting ordinances and resolutions and approving the city budget.
There are eight committees within the City Council each with a chairman. The committees present and work through City issues in order to recommend policy. These committees are:
- Finance
- Community & Industrial Development
- Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel
- Public Works, Water & Sewer
- Streets & Garbage
- Lake, Buildings & Grounds
- Public Safety & Traffic
- Legal & Ordinance
The City of Canton also has several boards and commissions. Through these boards and commissions, Canton residents can become involved in helping make important decision in the local government.
The City Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of Every month.
- Location of meetings: Historic Train Depot – 50 N. 4th Ave (Donald E. Edwards Way)
- Meetings start time: 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noticed
- Agendas and Minutes: All agendas and Minutes are posted on this website and also posted onsite at the Depot at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
- Attendance by the public: All citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in council meetings. Citizens are allowed to address the council by completing a Public Participation Request Form and submitting it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting at which they wish to speak.
City Holidays and Trash Collection
City Holidays
The City of Canton observes ten holidays throughout the year. On these days, City Hall is closed and there is no trash collection. On days when the holiday occurs on a Saturday or a Sunday, the City will be closed on the weekday closest to the holiday, either the Friday before or the Monday after.
The City observes the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- President’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day.
Trash Collection
On any weekday holiday when there is no trash collection, that garbage route will be picked up along with the next day’s regular route. If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department at 309-647-5022.